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The Difference Between Using a Private Process Server v.s. the Local Sheriff

In Florida, you must use either the local sheriff’s department or a certified private process server to deliver all your case related documents to interested parties. But, how do you know when to use the sheriff’s department versus a private process server? Some types of process, like arrest warrants, must be served by a sheriff’s deputy. However, using a private process server to deliver the types of process which they are permitted to serve is a smart move. Here, we will discuss the benefits of hiring a private process server as opposed to the sheriff.

Process servers work with civil process laws every day.

Your local sheriff’s department already has a lot on its plate. Sheriff’s deputies handle everything from misdemeanors to capital felonies, which means there are tons of laws and regulations they must know by memory. For situations or crimes that they deal with daily, such as thefts and assaults, it’s pretty easy to remember the associated laws. However, sheriff’s deputies may not serve process frequently, so remembering all of the process server laws is more difficult. For example, a sheriff’s deputy may not be aware that you can’t serve process on a Sunday in Florida, or that the process must be hand delivered to the person named in the documents unless special permission has been given for service by substitution. Also, there’s the chance that a sheriff’s deputy may not even have the time to request service by publication permission in the event they can’t locate the intended recipient of the process documents. So, not only are you taking a risk that the sheriff’s deputy won’t remember all the rules to follow, it’s also unlikely that they will be successful unless finding the intended recipient is quick and easy. By hiring a private process server, you will improve the chances of your process being served successfully.

Process servers have quick turnaround times.

Defendants, witnesses, and other persons related to a court case must be given ample time to prepare according to federal and state laws. This means process needs to be successfully served in all cases as soon as possible after filing to give everyone the required time. The exact amount of time differs for different case types, and missing a service deadline means the court date must be rescheduled. Defendants have successfully claimed that delayed service of process affected the case enough to have it dismissed. At Accurate Serve, we pride ourselves in serving process quickly, even with recipients that are difficult to locate.

Process servers communicate with you more.

Another benefit of using a certified private process server is communication. As mentioned before, police officers have a lot to deal with already. Even if they locate the intended recipient and successfully serve the process, they likely won’t have time to call you or send an email to let you know the status of service. By using one of our servers at Accurate Serve, you’ll be kept in the loop from start to finish. We notify all of our clients when their process is successfully served, but we also notify you if there is any delay in finding the recipient, so you won’t have to worry about showing up on your court date just to find out that case stakeholders were never served. We can even help you request permission for service by substitution or publication when necessary.

If you need a reliable process server in Port St. Lucie, Okeechobee, Stuart, or Vero Beach, visit www.accurateserveportstlucie.com to find the phone number of your closest office. Our certified process servers will make sure everyone related to your case is properly and promptly served, without taking up any valuable law enforcement resources.

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