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Process Server Basics

Many people have heard of the term “process server.” Maybe you have heard it in the movies, maybe in a crime TV show, or maybe just in passing. Often, when people think of process serving, they think about the cliché “you’ve been served,” a line that we all know from popular culture. However, a process server is much more than that. If you read on, you will learn the process server basics and have a better understanding of this very

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Slow to Serve Electronically, While the Nation Goes Digital

The rapidly advancing technological world is outpacing the U.S. judicial system when you consider service of process. In June of 2012, a New York court denied the request of Chase Bank to locate and serve someone responsible for credit card fraud. The denial seems to stem from a mistrust of the social networking forum, and not necessarily from a logical standpoint.

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Process Server: Shot in Service

With almost any job, there are certain risks. It is seldom acknowledged that there are great inherent risks in being a process server. When you are a process server, you are striving to complete a task that explicitly risks confronting angry or unhappy people. Bearing the bad news can sometimes mean risking your own well-being for the sake of meeting or exceeding job requirements. In the case of a process server in Arizona, those risks included getting shot.

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